The Wall Street Journal on October 6, 2020 had an article about last instructions should you become
incapacitated or die. Here are the top five concerns people have:

  1. Not being a burden to my loved ones
  2. Having some control over medical interventions
  3. Being the one to decide what happens to my belongings
  4. Being sure that my financial situation is managed properly
  5. Having some control of my end of life and legacy

Knowing these concerns, we can be proactive. For example, having a will or a trust in place will direct
how you want your assets distributed instead of the court. Also, this will help with end of life decisions.
Having a medical power of attorney in place will let medical providers know your intentions. A good
estate planning attorney and financial planner are important to work with to ensure these concerns are
addressed. There are people I know and trust that I can introduce you to if so desired.